Saturday, March 9, 2013

A Blog of One's Own

In A Room of One's Own, Virginia Woolf expounds on the necessity that is economic freedom - the very bread and butter for any expresser of self-expression. Of course, her essays were more about how it pertained to women, or more specifically, how the idea of "economic freedom" is not at all accessible to women in her time.

Now in the twenty first century, these social boundaries have dissolved into more relative, ambiguous issues. The uphill struggle is inherited by any (unfortunate) descendant of the oppressed, and though there are many, vacuous rooms to have of one's own, we still have the problem of letting others in and letting ourselves out. The doors are left ajar, but we awaken to the harrowing reality that our neighbors are quite disinterested if not completely disconnected. What is an immensely indebted, female college student to do in the very fast, very ruthless world of Twitter, graphic design, and iphone vs android debates? How am I to put a stamp on anything if everything is driven by saccharine, audiovisual competition?

"Fuck it."

For those of you who don't know me, Hi I'm Lia. This is a blog of my own, and I've had many before it. I'm a body full of whims, coffee, and genetically modified foods college students are bound to binge on. The world has turned its back on me, but I refuse to abandon it. I will yell at it, swear at it, and cast all the stones I can at it. Only until my hands are tired, seared with blisters, will my macbook air be relieved from having to translate this verbose vitriol. I'm a New England cynic exiled to the Midwest, resting on the crest of the Twin Cities...

You might see some wonderful stories about that quaint coffee shop, or the thrift store where I happened to not be so thrifty. Perhaps you'll find me ranting about how no one compares to Bergman (as unfair the comparison may be), but rave the very next moment about a b-rated zombie flick. Expect the same treatment with books. On a side note, I fucking hate Twilight and Hunger Games. I'm sure the former is expected but the latter surprises you. I'm also not-so fond of Harry Potter (hard as I tried), but I can tell you I was once fluent in Quenya while fully capable of quoting some phrases in Sindarin (Elvish from Tolkien's Lord of The Rings). Grade A nerd and not-at-all a misanthropic. I can assure you...

I'm just Lia. I've got a blog of my own.

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